
среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Your BIRTHDAY is time for a change in your life!!!

Hey, guys, I had a birthday not long ago and as I'm always a bit sad during holidays, this day was not and exception:) Sounds fun to me. Anyways what I was thinking about on my birthday was what can I do to become happier, what can I change in myself to be a better person, etc. I guess everyone starts to think about this in certain age, but I guess every birthday could be a day of thoughts how we can change for the better, how our life can be changed. We can set the goals and start to dream about something. Maybe even make a conclusion what we have already achieved and what we want to achieve. It's kind of like a New Year resolution, but this can be called New Me resolution:)
If all your birthdays were sad, if you have bad memories about it or you are in the situation when you can't celebrate or you have no friends to give you a hug, remember you are not alone! I always keep repeating this in my messages and in my videos. I am here to support, I am here to share my thoughts and my experience with you, guys, I love you all! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone who is reading this on his or her birthday.
Always your friend,

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