
пятница, 20 апреля 2012 г.

Hey, guys, it's been hard few days, as I had to make decisions that were hard to make... Has it ever happen to you? I bet it has! Sometimes we are so nervous about making decision, that it seems we are going to explode, trying to think of possible options and possible results. And it makes it even harder when we think about bad results, cos than we just get even more anxious. I've been there, well, actually I am there... I read it many times and actually wanna make it work for me: to think well about the decision I am going to make, actually make it and than stop thinking about it, as there is nothing that can be actually done after you did something according to your choice. It's hard to do sometimes as we tend, I do tend to think about something over and over again. So here is a chellenge, I guess, to learn to let it go...I am going to try this, if you are with me, this is going to be cool!
Lots of love,

2 комментария:

  1. I hear you! It is hard to make choices/decisions. I hope that you can be at peace with your decision what ever it is.

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