
четверг, 11 декабря 2014 г.

How to avoid stress and depression during holidays?

"See the world in better colours" is my new creative project on YouTube. Since holidays are around the corner I thought that there is no better way to celebrate than film a video about some sort of changing people's look at all this "stress" connected with holidays in the end of the year. 

As usually, we might search for the tips for our resolution list, desperately search for presents, decorate the house with all those fancy Christmas lights, or simply lay in our bed trying to figure out what to do first. 

I was thinking about holidays depression a lot, and I came to conclusion that these days we sort of look back at what we have achieved the previous year and have those expectations for the next one to come. All of this puts a huge amount of stress on our shoulders, and it makes me wonder what's the point?

This year I am not going to make any resolutions and even think about it. I'll try to think about New Year's eve just as I think about any other one. And I won't give it so much value in my head in order to avoid at least some amount of stress. 

I feel like we see the world during these days in grey colours sometimes, because nothing seems to make us happy, only tired, maybe empty, lost or even depressed. But what if we try to look at it from a new perspective? What if we just try to enjoy those lights without thinking we have to hang them in our own house? And what if we don't take any resolutions for the next year, but basically just enjoy the moment of celebrating? That list of goals can be made any other time of the year. 
I hope these holidays are not going to be stressful to you, but help you realize that it's not more than just one more exciting day/eve/week of our lives.


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