
суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

Few words about relationships between people

Look into each others eyes if you're sincere, never lie and never be cheated on. If trust is something you want to achieve, then work on it, and it will come...
How many time have you asked yourself if you trust a person? I have...many time...The hardest thing in the relationships is to find a comfort zone, where you can tell what's on your mind without being judged and being afraid to be judged. What a wonderful feeling I guess it is...Although I never had it...With every single person I have that tension in my head, constantly thinking what I should say and what not...
What can be better than just standing near the ocean with your eyes and heart open, with someone you can be comfortable even not speaking? For me I think nothing...
To finish my prewords, here are some simple yet hard to apply tips to make your relationships with other a bit more simple:
1. Don't expect anything from other people. I found myself expecting people to thank me for the good things I've done for them. The more we expect the more disappointed we get when our expectations weren't met. It is pretty hard not to expect anything, there is a difference between people who don't "worship" you for the things you have done and people treating you bad, so you need to be careful with the conclusions you make. Very often we tend to expect too much "thanks" so when a person just gives us a "hand shake", seems not enough for us and we call him unthankful if you know what I mean.
2. Do not concentrate on the relationships. My experience shows me that when we are concentrated on our relationships with other people, every time when there is a problem, we are completely broken. We don't wanna do anything else until the problem is solved. That's why it's so important to spend time with yourself, doing things you love, learn to love yourself. Then you build up a confidence inside of you, that will help you each time when there are some problems in the relationships with other people. Remember, nothing lasts forever, not any problem, and there is no problem that can't be solved, so just stay calm minded and try not to fall into depression when you have hard times communicating with someone.
3. Do not concentrate on others' opinion. So many times we just care so much about what others would say or think that we actually forget about what we think about ourselves. The most important thing in life is to get to know yourself and have your strong opinion about your own "you", so no critics can harm you. Only you can see what you have inside and make up your mind on changing or leaving it. So listen to others say, but always correlate it with what you think about it.

I hope this helps someone, have a great day or night,
Always your friend, Anya

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