
воскресенье, 10 июня 2012 г.

Walking alone in Miami

One of the most special things I do while traveling is walking alone. Sometimes you have like a fear of going out somewhere you have never been before absolutely alone, but it is worth it. It refreshes your mind and gives you  a chance to think about your life, what you are happy about and what not. You are like becoming a new person and all of the sudden some of your perceptions change (of course if you spend this time properly).
You need to concentrate on what you really want to achieve in your life and what keeps you away from it, you need to take a deep breath and promise yourself you are going to do all it takes to be where you wanna be.
All that matters this moment is you and your needs. You do work hard each day trying to satisfy others, this is like time of running away from reality, time to dream, time to speak to the deepest place in your heart.
This time I was in the US, and I has a lonely walk to the ocean in the night. It was like one of the best moments in my life, like a dream came true: night stars, sound of the waves, absolute darkness and the moon - all just made me feel so small in this world but at the same time so much happier than I have ever been before.
I was afraid to go, but I did, and I couldn't ask for more. It was a moment of thanksgiving, peace, tears and happiness - all in once. I loved that time, I really did...
Check out my video from the US.

I didn't take pics while I was walking alone this time as it was too dark, but check out some other pics from the trip. Enjoy!

Love you all,

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